Quantum Theory: This theory states that every particle is everywhere unless the particle is being observed.
Wave Particle Duality: Particle and waves are neither one nor the other, but had certain properties of both.
Einstein's Observation: Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the empty space loses it's meaning.
Hugh Everett: He invented a quantum theory of Multiple Universes. His theory of independent parallel universes states clearly that:
# The reality of Multiple World is so as they are present in the same Time & Space coordinate, in which we are.
# Big Bangs are always happening in the Multiple Universes and Universes are being formed continuously.
# Parallel Universes may be bring horrible catastrophe too.
# Everett envisaged the concept of Quantum Immortality, as every second an individual is multi-furcating into so many.
Quantum Discoherence: However according to the theory of quantum discoherence, the Parallel Universes will never be accessible to us in our own Time & Space. We shall be able to observe one world only at a given Time & Space.
The Question Is: Why can some scientists believe in physical parallel universes, but find it hard to accept a non physical one ?
A Turning Point: ..comes when we see how subtly Science (Physics) corroborates with the other world idea of Religion (Metaphysics).
Emily Dickinson's one short poem just defines the spirit behind this thought and possible alternative theory, is:
"Faith a fine invention, for gentlemen who see;
But microscopes are prudent, in an emergency."
Some Quotes From Scriptures Spiritual:
# O My Friends !
Have ye forgotten that true and radiant morn, when in those hallowed and blessed surroundings ye were all gathered in My presence beneath the shade of the tree of life, which is planted in the all glorious paradise? Awe-struck ye listened as I gave utterance to....
(from the writings of Baha'i Faith)
# Almost all religious prayers talk about this world and the world to come..
# Metaphorically this is a sort of clear indication of the existence of many worlds spiritually and the journey of life continues hence after this life, which is referred as the Quantum Immortality by the Physicist Hugh Everett.
from top to down: Albert Einstein, Hugh Everett, Lotus Temple-a Baha'i House of worship in India.
Wave Particle Duality: Particle and waves are neither one nor the other, but had certain properties of both.
Einstein's Observation: Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the empty space loses it's meaning.
Hugh Everett: He invented a quantum theory of Multiple Universes. His theory of independent parallel universes states clearly that:
# The reality of Multiple World is so as they are present in the same Time & Space coordinate, in which we are.
# Big Bangs are always happening in the Multiple Universes and Universes are being formed continuously.
# Parallel Universes may be bring horrible catastrophe too.
# Everett envisaged the concept of Quantum Immortality, as every second an individual is multi-furcating into so many.
Quantum Discoherence: However according to the theory of quantum discoherence, the Parallel Universes will never be accessible to us in our own Time & Space. We shall be able to observe one world only at a given Time & Space.
The Question Is: Why can some scientists believe in physical parallel universes, but find it hard to accept a non physical one ?
A Turning Point: ..comes when we see how subtly Science (Physics) corroborates with the other world idea of Religion (Metaphysics).
Emily Dickinson's one short poem just defines the spirit behind this thought and possible alternative theory, is:
"Faith a fine invention, for gentlemen who see;
But microscopes are prudent, in an emergency."
Some Quotes From Scriptures Spiritual:
# O My Friends !
Have ye forgotten that true and radiant morn, when in those hallowed and blessed surroundings ye were all gathered in My presence beneath the shade of the tree of life, which is planted in the all glorious paradise? Awe-struck ye listened as I gave utterance to....
(from the writings of Baha'i Faith)
# Almost all religious prayers talk about this world and the world to come..
# Metaphorically this is a sort of clear indication of the existence of many worlds spiritually and the journey of life continues hence after this life, which is referred as the Quantum Immortality by the Physicist Hugh Everett.
from top to down: Albert Einstein, Hugh Everett, Lotus Temple-a Baha'i House of worship in India.