Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Brain waves, sleep stages and functional pathology

Brain waves are oscillating electrical voltage in the brain. Brain does not operate with any single frequency wave. Full spectrum of all brain wave frequencies are always there to be found. Only the dominant frequency determines our mental state.
EEG (Electroencephalogram) reveal their following types:

Frequency band    Frequency      Brain state              Notes
1. Gamma (γ)        35-44Hz    Concentration             High-level information processing is a 40 Hz
Problem solving,                                                          activity, 40 Hz deficiency creates learning
concentration.                                                               disability. Only a quiet mind access Gamma.
                                                                                      Gamma relates to expanded consciousness,                                                                                                                   spiritual emergence, higher virtues.

2. Beta (ß)              12-35 Hz     Anxiety dominant,    Normal dominant rhythm in alert, anxious, open
Busy,                                           active, external          eye, listening, thinking, judgment, processing  
active mind.                                attention, relaxed       information around us.

3.Alpha (α)            8-12 Hz          Very relaxed,          8-13 Hz, a bridge from external world to internal
Reflective,                                  passive attention        world, ability to shift states from external to 
restful.                                                                           internal and vice versa.
                                                                                     Our brain uses 13 Hz (high Alpha or low Beta)
                                                                                     for 'active' intelligence. Deficiency of 13 Hz
                                                                                     activity causes learning disability & attention
                                                                                      } Alpha-theta protocol, hypnogogic imagery.
4. Theta (θ)             4-8 Hz       Deeply relaxed,            
Drowsiness.                                 inward focused

4. Delta (δ)            0.5-4 Hz          Sleep                       Slowest wave

Sleep and brain waves:
  1. During sleep stages, brain waves vary from alpha to theta to delta and again to alpha state to complete one cycle of 90 minutes.
  2. 8-13 Hz frequency range of Alpha wave is a bridge from external world to the internal world, (A frequency range having ability to shift from external to internal world and vice versa).
  • Sleep stages N1 to N3 of NREM are 'slow' waves.
  • N1 and N2 mainly comprising Theta wave while N3 is deep Delta wave.
  • REM sleep is of 'fast' Alpha rhythm.

Sleep stage and their frequency:
Sleep stage       Voltage and frequency     Physiology                    
1. REM sleep    Low amplitude (small),      Eye movement, dream,    
                          high frequency (fast),        arm/leg muscles               
                           Alpha rhythm.                  paralyzed, respiration &
                                                                    heart beat maximum.

2. NREM sleep   High amplitude (large),    Slow wave, Deep-/Delta
    (N1 to N3)       (i.e. high voltage),            sleep, No eye movement,
                            low frequency (slow),       respiration & heart beat 
                            (i.e. slow waves),              minimal.
                            waves & spindles.
                            Theta & Delta rhythm.

Alpha rhythm dominant effects; 'Creative', daydreaming, meditating, helps reduce stress and anxiety, relaxed state, mental readiness role in focus and attention.
Theta rhythm dominant effects; Deep relaxation, light sleep, improves mood and reduce stress level.

Delta rhythm dominant effects; Deep sleep, improves immune system and reduce stress level, state of 'physical healing', tissue repair and regeneration.

Brain waves, cranial nerves & functional pathology:
Apart from sleep and wakeful activity, some other very interesting phenomenon occurs:
"A brain wave extends through perineural system as far as injured part of the body. This is physiological justification for the placebo effect as tissue repair, internal recovery, powerful vector of homeostasis." 
Positive attitude of patient plays a vital role in healing. A significant role of nerve manipulation have been reported in recovery, rehabilitation and rebalancing.

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