Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid-19

Monoclonal antibody
They are the lab made protein, mimicking the natural immune system of the human body, to fight any infection like SARS-CoV-2. It is advised as to avoid hospitalization while being found with the positive Covid test.

It is restricted to people of 65 or more years in age. So fairly the Covid-19 patients are always asked to get tested quickly and then get advise for the treatment of monoclonal antibody infusion.

FDA has also now advised for the monoclonal antibody treatment for SARS-CoV-2 in a recent FDA news release. One can see the list of qualification for the Monoclonal antibody treatment on certain website of hospital.

More recommendations
"It's the best treatment we have to keep you out of the hospital. It keeps people out of the hospital 70 percent of the time," said Montgomery-area pulmonologist Dr. David Thrasher. "It's really a great treatment and everybody needs to ask for it."

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