Sunday, June 27, 2021

Delta wave of Covid-19

Delta, a variant of concern
India saw an unparallel devastation of human life, in the living memories of present generation, in the second wave of Covid-19 of Delta variant infection, which ran from mid April to mid May 2021. We are a nation of multitude of population. So in such a demanding situation, health infrastructure and system remained fail. We may have 'many' research institute, many oxygen plant, many hospital and serum institute in 'number', but when demand rose for providing it to 'per capita'; to our dismay, it proved a failure. And it was supposed to be. We are in no way capable of providing 'health needs' to such a 'large number' of people at any given instance, if a sudden pandemic rose even in future. Unfortunately disposal of dead bodies have also seen unprecedented scenario, which put humanity on shame.
People suffering, in desperate need of medicine, oxygen, hospital bed, doctor; and there was none. Disposal of dead bodies saw such painful and shameful visuals. Business of hoarding medical needs and market of fake medicine were on high. There is no 'actual number' of lives lost, because there was no one to record to in such a messy situation. Bonds of accountability of any kind was broken. A time of shame; pity, pain, tears ran high on faces of masses, those who lost their dear ones or children who lost their both parents; not to mention the neglect and negligence by the system to which we are proud of as most religious and democratic nation. Holy values saw a deepest dip of our time.

Delta plus variant acquired a spike protein mutation called K417N, the sub lineage of Delta, is on rise now. No one knows, what are in the store as mutation causes more transmissibility. Precaution measure and vaccines are the only answer at present.

First report from China was of 30th December 2019, later WHO issued disease outbreak news on 5th January 2020. Ever since, this virus has shown tendencies of a quick and efficiently evolving variants. Since one and half year, the cases and deaths are on rise, every minute. As of June 22, the country wise variant reported are; Alpha in 170, Beta in 119, Gamma in 71 and Delta in 85 countries. 

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