Monday, June 21, 2021

Corona virus outbreak, symptom, medicine, vaccine and lesson learnt

Corona Virus outbreak, causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (Covid-19) was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020 and a global Pandemic on 11th March 2020 by World Health Organization. Then it was thought as of zoonotic origin of some mammal like bat or other.

Covid-19 was first reported on 31st December 2019 from Wuhan, China. Spreading swiftly on global scale and adapting itself to gradually more lethal strain, surprised the medical community as well because mostly next level of strains are supposed to be less pathogenic, as considered generally.

Disease symptom is most intriguing so far as this affects different people in different ways. Common symptoms of fever, dry cough, tiredness, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell to severe symptoms like breathing difficulty, chest pain, speech loss etc., ranging from 5-6 days to 14 days long period.

Getting blood oxygen level down is one point when body seems to be struggling for adequate supply of oxygen to their body parts. It is though lungs and RBCs who are the major player in this mechanism. Either lung being turned to morbid state or RBCs being in clotting phenomenon due to enzymes exudes of the virus, is yet to be fully explored and understood. But post-Covid death is all due to the organ failure at one or many level. Seriously infected patients even after been cured are suffering with many troubles of organ systems as one or more.

Medicines prescribed were mostly meant to take load away from fever and virus with immunity booster pills to fight; are the direction in which medicines were used by prescribing suitable doses of antipyretic, anti viral drugs and vitamin tablets. Plasma therapy in this case is used but with efficacy and validity controversy.

Vaccines in this turmoil came as the only hope, even infection after the second vaccine dose is also on the record. It was and still is a hard task economically and physically to administer to all human population. This pandemic period has shown us as we humans are sitting in the same boat. A person standing last in the line can not be left as he/she will be the asymptomatic carrier. Rich or poor, black or white are the world citizens as deserving equal rights of life, sustainability, health care and education. This is the time to learn this hard lesson for humanity. 

In India by the time of second Covid wave in March-April 2021, every kind of medical system was in total failure. People were asking for medical oxygen for anything and there was none. Death were so enormous that disposal of human dead bodies saw most unprecedented visuals of the century. India was truly devastated. Systems failed at many levels. 

Lessons learnt are to be carried with our life style now and that is cleaning hands often with soap and alcohol based rubs, maintaining safe distance, wearing mask, not going out when it's unnecessary, 

Delta variant is in the corner to meet us, we don't exactly know that what is in store of the Covid strain or some other viruses in future, safety should be the prime concern of every individual as for self and safety of other human fellows too.

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