Monday, September 29, 2014

Exploring ecotourism in Chhattisgarh of India

Chhattisgarh state of India has emerged from ocean floor
pic credit: AFP
a new island appeared on a Pakistani coastal town of Gwadar
Geologist believe that Chhattisgarh state of India was part of the ocean floor some 280,000,000 years ago. 

Earhquake and some other geological disturbances must have raised this portion up creating this land mass (report appeared in Bhaskar/13th October 2013 Sunday/pp3), just like in September 2013 a new island has emerged near Pakistan. Seismic activity appears to have sparked this unusual land formation, (

Sonhat block of Koriya district in Chhattisgarh state of India does have remains which could easily be seen, fossilized molluscs (Seepi) are so abundantly scattered. Geological Survey of India has marked this region for the Ecotourism, which belongs to period between Eocene to Pliocene epoch.

These fossils date back to millions of years, are scattered in between Hasdeo river and Halia Nala, almost in one kilometer of area.

bhaskar/13t october 2013

This is the reason that plains of Raipur (state capital) is full of Lime stones below it's earth crust; declared reserved area by Geological Survey of India, naming it 'Marine Gondwana Fossils'.

Geological structure of Chhattisgarh state of India varies from most ancient to most recent rock types, which contains vivid mineral deposits in abundance.

*author extends thanks to Ms Padmavati Pandey for her valuable input and meaningful discussions during the preparation of this post.
#Globally seismic monitor link in real time:
#Globally lightning monitor site in real time:

#Sun movement and sunlight phases during the given day at the given location.

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