Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nobel Laureates Facts

59 is the average age of a Nobel laureate

Physics Laureate: 55
Chemistry Laureate: 57
Medicine Laureate: 57
Nobel Peace Laureate: 62
Literature Laureate: 64
Laureate in Economic Sciences: 67
Nobel Laureate (all categories): 59

25 is the age of the youngest
At the year when the Prize was awarded, the 5 youngest Nobel Laureates are all within Physics:

90 is the age of the oldest
The 5 eldest Nobel Laureates at the year the Prize was awarded are:

Leonid Hurwicz, 90 years old
Lloyd Shapley, 89 years old
Raymond Davis Jr., 88 years old
Doris Lessing, 88 years old
Yoichiro Nambu, 87 years old

49 laureates are younger than 40
49 out of all 862 Laureates are younger than 40 years old at the year of the award. Most of them are Physics Laureates. There are no Literature Laureates nor Laureates in Economic Sciences under the age of 40.

21 head of state awarded awarded a Nobel prize
All of them are Peace Prize Laureates except for one Literature Laureate.

44 Nobel prizes to women so far

7 laureates have a Nobel laureate parents

Irène Joliot-Curie is the daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie
Lawrence Bragg is the son of William Bragg
Aage N. Bohr is the son of Niels Bohr
Ulf von Euler is the son of Hans von Euler-Chelpin
Roger D. Kornberg is the son of Arthur Kornberg
Kai M. Siegbahn is the son of Manne Siegbahn
George Paget Thomson is the son of J. J. Thomson 

Nobel laureates and country of birth

  • 10 Laureates born in Australia
  • 10 Laureates born in China
  • 6 Laureates born in Egypt
  • 49 Laureates born in France
  • 11 Laureates born in India
  • 17 Laureates born in Japan
  • 8 Laureates born in South Africa
  • 247 Laureates born in the U.S.A.

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