Monday, September 9, 2013

Emergence of life style diseases in India

Hospital Based EMTs project launched by 108 Sanjeevani Express - See more at:
Hospital Based EMTs project launched by 108 Sanjeevani Express - See more at:
Hospital Based EMTs project launched by 108 Sanjeevani Express - See more at:
Raipur,Chattisgarh, June 23: Health Department of Chhattisgarh Government has formally launched the Hospital Based EMTs project. These projects will be undertaken by the EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) of GVK EMRI 108 Sanjeevani Express. - See more at:
Young generation is becoming soft target of paralytic attack..!!
'Tension' and 'life style' is a big causal factor..!!

survey report/dainik bhaskar/27.8.2013

Career tension, less sleep, high blood pressure, blood sugar, increasing cholesterol level, wine, cigarette....are the reasons behind this fast emerging ailment..!!
not only city-dwellers, even village youths are the sufferers..!!

This analysis is based on phone calls received and patients admitted then after by *108 Sanjeevani Express mobile unit services, from all over the Chhattisgarh state of India.

Age group (in years)           April 2013             May 2013            June 2013
                                          (No. of patients)    (No. of patients)   (No. of patients)

15-25                                          15                         15                       14
26-35                                          20                         16                       17
Out of all these numbers of patients, 75% are brain hemorrhage cases and 16% is epilepsy cases.

Classification of affected:
Self employed    46 %
Daily wages       17 %
Employed          14 %
House wife        10 %
Unemployed        8 %

In earlier times, these stroke cases were only common to the age 60, now the age factor has come to the half. Tension, high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, smoking and vine are the major factor for these cases in youth. (Dr.Chandra Mohan Singh, Neuro physician, Ambedkar Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh)

 *notes on '108 Sanjeevani express in Chhattisgarh' state of India:
GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI) fondly known as ‘Sanjivani Express or 108 Ambulance service. The service was launched in Chhattisgarh on 25th Jan 2011.
sanjeevani express 
The service is available 24x7 and is absolutely free of cost to everyone. For medical emergency, the 108 ambulance are equipped with all the requires medicines and medical equipments ranging from Suction machine, Oxygen Cylinder, Nebulizers, Glucometer, Electronic B.P. instrument, Pulse Oximeter to extrication tools, to handle almost any emergency situation.
When a caller dials 108 to report an emergency, the call lands at the 108 Emergency Response Center where the call taker will gather all the necessary information regarding type of emergency and the location of the emergency scene - where you are calling from i.e. District/Taluka /City/Town/exact location/landmark. After gathering the information either the 108 Ambulance, Fire vehicle or the Police is dispatched depending on the type of emergency. The Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) in the ambulance and Emergency Response Centre Physicians (ERCP) at the call center will provide professional pre-hospital care free of cost while transporting the victim in the ambulance to the nearest hospital of his choice.
108 Emergency Response Center has been set up in Raipur where all the calls to 108 lands up. The ambulances are strategically located in the districts for emergency handling and the service is available round the clock.  Right from making a call to rendering the necessary pre-hospital care in the ambulance and taking the victim to the nearest hospital, the entire service is free to everyone in Chhattisgarh.

#a related post link:

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