Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Soft drink and health hazards

Cause of cold death for 95 thousand families 
A report says that the soft drink was the cause of death of 95 thousand people in 2010 in India. Soft drinks are proving as slow poison, destroying thousands of families.

(A research report of 2010 conducted in India on untimely deaths, analysis based on age, sex and area; co-relating the 67 different risk factors with the habit of using soft drinks. Data were co related with the 1990 and 2010, even including the reports of recently published in Britain's prestigious Medical Joun. Lacent.)
Soft drinks and health 
hazards/Dainik Bhaskar/
14th April 2013, Sun
Reports published by American institute, 'National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases' says that 180 thousand people die annually due to soft drink consumption. Exactly the same report has come from India this year in March.
Prestigious American institute, 'Institute for health matrix and evaluation', in their 'Global burden of disease studies-2010', says that death cause of 95427 persons were the consumption of these sweet soft drinks, in 1990 the number were 36591, as compared to, this is 161% increase.
Institute's director of communication Bill Hissells explains the findings of the research report of 2010, all these mortality of soft drink addicted people, 78017 died of heart disease, 11314 of diabetes, 6096 died as cancer patients.
Causal chemical remains illusive, as these reports did not identify yet the disease causing chemical in soft drinks, responsible for deaths.

Seven side effects of soft drinks:
1. Phosphoric Acid, two cans daily, risk of stones.
2. Artificial sweeteners, causing addiction for soft drinks.
3. Caramel colors (4 MI), chemical imparting caramel color, 30 microgram in a can is carcinogenic, while it is found even up to 140 microgram  in a can of these soft drinks.
4. Food dyes, affecting human brain, focus impairment.
5. High fructose corn sirup, these are concentrated sugar. A can of soft drink contains 8 table spoons, which causes the increase in body fat and cholesterol including the Type-2 diabetes.
6. Formaldehyde, Soda contains espartem, which in digestion process break in to Methanol and then in to Formic Acid and Formaldehyde, which is carcinogenic. 
7. Potassium Benzoate, used as preservative, which turns in to Benzene in human body. Benzene is carcinogenic. Keeping soda in sun light, it turns in to Benzene.
Sugar is enemy, Dr. Parwez Ahmad, ex CEO of Max Healthcare says that all caffeine included sugar drinks-which provides instant energy, but affects our metabolism in adverse ways in longer terms and are responsible for chronic diseases. This can cause Obesity and Diabetes.
Soft drinks and health  
hazards/Dainik Bhaskar/
 14th April 2013, Sun
Soft Drinks causing 183 thousand death annually in the world, as per the researchers of 'Harvard School of Public Health.
# Out of which, 133 thousand died of diabetes, 44,000 due to cardiovascular diseases, and 6,000 died of cancer.
# 75% deaths were in lower income group of countries.
# Mexio has the highest rate of such deaths. Out of all the 1million deaths reported-318 deaths are linked to soft drink consumption.
# Japan having the lowest rate of such deaths. Out of all 1million deaths of adults, only 10 are linked to soft drink consumption.

A government report on soft drink addiction in India; Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) prepared a report on soft drink consumption in India, in 2011. This reports opens many facts about the addiction of carbonated drinks in India.
* 17.45% population of India drinks soft drink every week.
* Almost 18.47% children drink soft drink once in a week.
* 3.79% Indian population drinks cola everyday.
* Out of all the 18 years age children, 4.14% drinks cola every day.
* Contrary to the common beliefs, slum dwellers (23.90) drink more cola per week as compared to the  high income group (20.21).

Alarming increase in cola consumption; From 2009 to 2011, sale of Pepsi Cocacola have increased with a rate of 50% in India.

What happens to our body after drinking Coca Cola?

What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca Cola? Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/09/what-happens-to-our-body-after-drinking-coca-cola.html - Follow us on Facebook: whydontyoutrythis

#report thankfully shared from a report on soft drinks and health hazards/dainik bhaskar/bilaspur/14th April 2013, Sunday.

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