Wednesday, January 16, 2013

High civilizations of former times

Nazca lines analysis indicates that there is parallelism  with the air tracks of the spacecrafts of the extraterrestrials in spirals and zigzag lines - the line up to Egypt - the connection with the history of creation of Egypt - cities of culture on the equator of former times.

Some civilizations of the older times ..
Old civilization of Nazca: a rider on a pterosaurian (pteranodon); stone of stone's museum in Ica
Old civilization of Giza in Egypt, pyramid with sphinx
Old civilization at Sukhothai (today Thailand), Buddha in a temple
Old civilization of Persepolis (today Iran), temple
Old civilization of Pyay, today Myanmar
Old civilization on Easter Island, 638 great statues
But there are missing the old civilizations of the Maya and Mexico. Yes, they should be on the vertical line which is connected with Nasca. 

The lines of Nazca in Peru: In the Peruvian Desert, about 200 miles south of Lima, there lies a plain between the Inca and Nazca (sometimes also spelled Nasca) Valleys. Across this plain, in an area measuring 37 miles long and 1-mile wide, is an assortment of perfectly-straight lines, many running parallel, others intersecting, forming a grand geometric form. In and around the lines there are also trapezoidal zones, strange symbols, and pictures of birds and beasts all etched on a giant scale that can only be appreciated from the sky.
The figures come in two types: biomorphs and geoglyphs. The biomorphs are some 70 animal and plant figures that include a spider, hummingbird, monkey and a 1,000-foot-long pelican. The biomorphs are grouped together in one area on the plain. Some archaeologists believe they were constructed around 200 BC, about 500 years before the geoglyphs.
There are about 900 geoglyphs on the plain. Geoglyphs are geometric forms that include straight lines, triangles, spirals, circles and trapezoids. They are enormous in size. The longest straight line goes nine miles across the plain. 
 The Swiss writer, Erich von Daniken, even suggested they had been built for the convenience of ancient visitors from space to land their ships.
The American explorer Paul Kosok, who made his first visit to Nazca in the 1940s, suggested that the lines were astronomically significant and that the plain acted as a giant observatory. He called them "the largest astronomy book in the world."
 A writer by the name of Jim Woodman believes that the lines and figures could not have been made without somebody in the air to direct the operations. "You simply can't see anything from ground level," states Woodman. "You can't appreciate any of it from anywhere except from above. You can't tell me the Nazca builders would have gone to the monumental efforts they did without ever being able to see it."
Other South American Lines and Figures
The lines at Nazca aren't the only landscape figures South America boasts. About 850 miles south of the plain is the largest human figure in the world laid out upon the side of Solitary Mountain in Chile. The Giant of Atacama stands 393 feet high and is surrounded by lines similar to those at Nazca.
Along the Pacific Coast in the foothills of the Andes Mountains is etched a figure resembling a giant candelabrum. Further south, Sierra Pintada, which means "the painted mountain" in Spanish, is covered with vast pictures including spirals, circles, warriors and a condor. Archaeologists speculate that these figures, clearly visible from the ground, served as guideposts for Inca traders
The Giant of Atacama stands 393 feet high and is surrounded by lines similar to those of Nazca (Licensed through Creative Common courtesy of Eimlio).

Satellite photo with the lines of Nazca with the big cross of lines.
And now there is the question which culture was first.  
This should be described in the 'Vedas' of India !!
More closer study may reveal some clues as 'Vedas' are the book of human mind's observation of the world around....of most ancient period known to humans.

Nazca lines, only with straight lines, from world-mysteries
Some historians say that the big line had been the equator of former times, when North Pole had been on the coast of Pacific Ocean of today's Alaska, and this main line in its elongation comes out directly at the pyramids of Giza.
The Nazca main line with it's elongation to Giza in Egypt, as an equator of former times, according to James Bowles
 Here one can see the situation absolutely clearly from above:

On the equator of former times there is the big majority of centers of "high civilizations" of our forefathers, with it's mythologies and it's pyramids and temples: Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer, Siwa, Giza, Petra, Ur, Persepolis, Mohenjo-Daro, Khajuraho, Pyay, Sukhothai, Preah Vihear, Aneityum Island and Easter Island.
With the equator of today, this line between Nazca and Giza is a sinus-shaped waved line, and on this line are further spots with pyramids and old cultures.

with the equator of today, this line between Nazca and Giza is a sinus-shaped waved line, and on this line are further spots with pyramids and old cultures:
On this line there are most of the holy locations of former times , and Nazca is one of these locations.
On the equator of former times there is the big majority of centers of "high civilizations" of our forefathers, with it's mythologies and it's pyramids and temples: Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer, Siwa, Giza, Petra, Ur, Persepolis, Mohenjo-Daro, Khajuraho, Pyay, Sukhothai, Preah Vihear, Aneityum Island and Easter Island [
Mixed culture between Egypt, Nazca and India and more before 30,000 years - the extraterrestrials were the gods?
Map with the Nazca lines of the poster with Maria Reiche indicating four big spirals for the Nasca plain
Here one can see very well how the position of the arms of the "Astronaut" is done: one arm up, one arm down
A map with many straight lines with a good position of the lines' hill:
Map with the Nazca lines from Boeckel's website with many straight lines and landform configuration. According to this map of the Geographical Institute also the position of the lines' hill is right.
We have the Ica stones with an age of 30,000 years, with drawings of riders on pterosaurians (stone museum at Ica, "Museo de piedras", also aviation museum (museo aeronautica) in Lima. Add to this this age with it's airplanes also is described in the Vedas of India. So we have the proof for this age before 30,000 years with a trias of Egypt, Nazca / Ica and India, but there will be more proofs on many locations yet. 

more reference:
nazca lines of peru

*share courtesy:
#Erich von Daeniken: "The return of the gods".

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