Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Pineal gland, the mystical third eye

Pineal gland 

It is a very small unpaired midline brain structure of endocrine gland, tiny as a rice grain size, situated laterally (anatomically asymmetrical) in the epithalamus, between two hemisphere, near the center of the brain, but devoid of blood-brain barrier (so having profuse blood flow, second only to kidney), well referred as pineal body, pineal word came as due its resemblance of a pine cone or pine apple shape.

Role of pineal gland
It has a role of maintaining circadian rhythm (are physical, mental, behavioral changes that follows a 24-hour cycle) and seasonal cycle in the body. When eyes are not stimulated with light (signals from retina of lightning environment), Serotonin neurotransmitter is converted to a hormone Melatonin to initiate sleep cycle by this tiny gland. That way Melatonin is called sleep hormone, whose secretion level is highest in the middle of the night.

Due to it's resemblance of Parietal eye & the Photoreceptor cell in lower animal kingdom, it could phylogenetically regarded as vestigial remnant. 

Biomolecules Serotonin and Melatonin are structural analogies to DMT (dimethyltryptamine) released in REM phase, responsible for visualization of images and dreams, where a travel through time & space dimension occurs. DMT is most powerful hallucinogen found in naturally.

In the immediate state before death, large amount of DMT is produced.

As this endocrine gland/body, secreting Melatonin/DMT, works on similar pattern of our external eye being a photoreceptor in nature, seems an ancestral Parietal eye, vestigial to us, but still doing a powerful chemical production site which maintains circadian rhythm and a balance between wakefulness & sleep cycles. Many a time this has been referred as mythical Third eye, this is a door between our known to the unknown world. Due to the small size, it is most delayed discovered endocrine gland and still remains less understood, seems to many a mystical due to it's role in higher realm transcendental spiritual perception, perhaps due to triggering on of DMT production by controlled meditation or such willful activity by humans, as it receives the Sympathetic innervation from superior cervical ganglion.

Clinical aspects
Excessive calcification of Pineal gland disrupts its function. Aging is another reason of reduced Melatonin level causing disruptive sleep cycle.   

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy chemicals of human body

Happiness is a very illusive term in human case as affecting variable are many. 
But for sure, happy people are more successful in multiple life domains.

  • Physical, mental, emotional well-being is being governed or influenced by many external and internal factors, more often not in our control. 
  • That's why this subject spans a lot many areas of external environmental factors and inner body chemistry. 
  • Subjective well-being is all in the center of evaluation of happiness, positive and negative emotions are the end results.

Primary signaling chemicals of mood in humans are 4 (Neurotransmitter Hormones) as below:
  1. Serotonin, the mood stabilizer (neurotransmitter).
  2. Oxytocin, the love hormone (hormone).
  3. Dopamine, the rewarding chemical (neurotransmitter).
  4. Endorphins, the pain killer (neurotransmitter).

Tips for living a happy life:
  • Eat nourishing food, be in nature, exposure to sun shine, meditate for the feel good hormone (Serotonin).
  • Keep company with good people, family, pet, love, laugh for the love hormone (Oxytocin).
  • Do something meaningful each day with short and long term goal for the reward chemical (Dopamine).
  • Get regular exercise, avoid news overdose, switch off bright screen - hours before bedtime, goodnight sleep of 6 to 8 hours every night for relaxing, pain killer (Endorphins).

Interesting notes:
Endorphins evolved in nature for survival. 
Injured animal run from predator or our ancestor's ran for help or to search for a source of water at any undisclosed distant places or a runner push through a race even in injury and likewise. 
Endorphin is produced in pain doesn't mean that one should inflict pain or harm oneself or over exercising beyond one's limit to feel good. Laughing out loud, meditation, working out in moderate, watching your favorite drama could help you to achieve this endorphin feel good effect.
Endorphins and dopamine: Endorphins relieve pain and dopamine motivates to push through challenges and provides a reward for doing so.
Opiates trigger the same receptor in the brain that triggers the release of endorphins. 
As endorphins binds pain signals and relieves, dopamine will motivate you to do same thing over and over again. So endorphins and dopamine actually work together. 
Out of more than 20 endorphins in our body, Beta endorphin is having stronger effect than morphine. That way the 'runner's high' exercise addiction and self harm could be understood